PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS: STEX [ ADB ] is open to Exclusive Profesional Memberships for

  • Motion Picture Professionals [ Film | Music | Creative ] .
  • Technology Professionals - Independent | Sponsored.
  • Specialist Technology Institutions/Enterprises

STEX [ ADB ] Designs Specialized Systems and Solutions for - Industries and the Public Citizens.

STEXADB Membership is designed to Accomodate Serious Professionals from Technology Industry and Motion Picture Industry, to Facilitate Traction of STEX [ ADB ] Solutions and Systems. STEX [ ADB ] would allocate Professionals in Responsible Roles related to Technology Stack, Technology Administration/Operations and Consulting/Evangelism on behalf of STEX [ ADB ].


STEX [ ADB ] is Open to Professional Memberships under the Following Categories

  • Motion Picture Acting/Musicians Professionals and Guilds [ Exclusive Films/Music that have enhanced Vital Societal Functions such as [ Human Values & Emotions, Future Technology Visions & Land Scapes and Scientific Thinking ].
  • Independent Technology Specialist/Professionals.
  • Technical Specialist/Professionals or Technical Teams/Groups from Technology Majors.
  • Academic Technology Professionals from Universities/Institutions.
  • Independent Technology Specialist/Professionals.
  • Technology/Engineering Enterprise.

STEX [ ADB ] Reserves the Right to "Grant Of Professional Membership" at it's Discretion.

Membership - Rights and Privileges.

  • Access to Highly Specialized - STEX [ ADB ] Technology Assets/Material for the purpose of - Technology Workshops/Consultancy, Technical Evangelism/Lectures on Behalf of STEX [ ADB ] with Industry Standard Member Technology Staff Earnings [ Std Earnings + STEXADB Commercial Performance Earnings ], applicable for Fulltime Viable/Positive Commercial Engagements.
    • Member Guilds/Institutions
    • Institutions - Sponsoring Professionals
    • Independent Professionals
  • Institution Name Listing at STEX [ ADB ] Website.
  • Individual Name Listing at STEX [ ADB ] Website with Sponsoring Institution.
  • Access to Work on Portfolio Projects of STEX [ ADB ].
  • Admission to Work on STEX [ ADB ] Commercial Projects with Industry Standard Remunerative Pay classified as - "STEX [ ADB ] Member Technology Staff Earnings", For Candidates Interested in FullTime Commercial Engagements at STEX [ ADB ].
  • Recognition as a Specialist Motion Picture Guild/Professional Member of STEX [ ADB ] Design Bureau.
  • Opportunity to Recommend and Build the STEX [ ADB ] Professional Membership Network by Merit, Consensus & Rules/Guidelines Envisioning a Perpetual Future.
  • Discounted Entry TO STEX [ ADB ] Events or Sponsored Events.
  • Large Privilege Discounts on STEX [ ADB ] Technology Systems for First Four Enrolled Institutional Members in each Category [ Large, Medium, Small Institutions ].
  • Other Exclusive Discount Schemes & Offers when Available.

Membership - Commercial Privileges.

  • LifeTime - Motion Picture XPro Network Members could Possibly be alloted a "0% to 5% Percent Fractional Commercial Share of STEX [ ADB ] Cashflows to a STEX [ ADB ] Primary WQ - Fund, Governed and Owned by the Motion XPro Ambassadors Star Network. [ 0% to 5% ] Commercial Share Would constitute - Total Yearly Cashflows directed to the aggregation of all admitted Motion XPro Lifetime Ambassador Star Network Members.
  • The Professional Membership Network may be allotted a " a Fractional Commercial Share of STEX [ ADB ] Cashflows" in the Form of Contribution to a STEX [ ADB ] - Primary WW Fund, Governed and Owned - by the STEX [ ADB ] Professional Lifetime Members. Large Groups or Large Teams may enroll as STEX Network Professional Group Members. Share would depend on Team Strength and Team Quality, and would be allocated From the Strategic WY - Fund Principal Member Accounts and would be decided by the WQ Fund members.
  • Qualified LifeTime Institutional/Enterprise Members may be alloted a "Negotiable Fractional Commercial Share of STEX [ ADB ] Cashflows". Technology firms may need to Sponsor a Team of Professionals along with the Institutional Membership Fee to Qualify.[ Minimum 50 Qualified Sponsored Members ]. Commercial Cashflow share would be allotted from the WY Fund on a case to case Basis.
  • Remaining STEXADB Cash flows may be contributed to the STEX [ ADB ] Final Strategic - WY Fund [ Total 95% - 100% Percent :- 15% allocated to STEX [ ADB ] Principal Members + 80% - 85% Percent allocated to Stategic WY Fund.]. The WY Fund Would be used as Cash Reserve or a Special Purpose Investment Growth Fund governed by [ 1].Xpro Ambassadors 2].STEXADB Principal Members 3].Institutional Partners 4].STEXADB Professional members ]. Voting Rights would be in the Ratio 15:30:5:5 with Simple Majority, until Further Notice.
  • Further CashFlow Allocations may be contributed on a Case to Case Basis.

Lifetime Membership Fee

Enterprise Institutional Membership & Sponsored Technology Professionals Memberships.


  1. Large Technology Institutions [ Net Earnings > 500M$ Per year ] : Units of 10,000,000 Dollars [ 10 Million $ ] Per Institution.
  2. Mid Sized Technology Institutions [ Net Earnings 50M$ to 500M$ Per year ]: Units of 6,500,000 Dollars [ 6.5 Million $ ] Per Institution.
  3. Small Technology Institutions [ Net Earnings < 50M$ per year ]: Units of 2M$ Dollars [ 2 Million $ ] Per Institution.
  4. Very Small Technology Institutions [ Net Earnings < 10M$ per year ]: Units of 200,000 Dollars [ 200K$ ] Per Institution.

  5. Sponsored Professionals

  6. Sponsored [ Major A ] Professionals from Large/Mid Sized Technology Enterprises: 11,000 Dollars [ 11K $ ] Per Individual.
  7. Sponsored [ Major A ] Professionals from Small Technology Enterprises: 6,000 Dollars [ 6K $ ] Per Individual.
  8. Sponsored [ Major A ] Professionals from Very Small Technology Enterprises: Negotiable Dollars [ Negotiable $ ] Per Individual.

Independent Technology Professionals Network

  1. Independent [ Major AY ] Technology Professionals Network : Positive Interview + 1 Months of Full Time Committed Service. Members would be Assigned Level Rank 1 through level Rank 7, Depending on years of Experience [ Described Below ]. Industry Standard Member Technology Staff Earnings [ Std Earnings + STEXADB Commercial Performance Earnings for all Ranks ] is Applicable for Fulltime Feasible/Viable Commercial Engagements, on behalf of STEXADB, after 1 Month of Service. Interview Screening Application Fee: 150$ [ Non Refundable ].

    • Independent Technology Network Members would have the responsibility of Growing the Professional Network to Scale STEX [ ADB ].
    • Skill sets - Technologies listed in the Architecture Page - JAVA , Linux, Unix, C, C++, POSTGRESSQL
    • Years of Experience : 1-2, 3-6, 7-10, 11-14, 15-18. Rank 6 and Rank 7 are Reserved for Demonstrated Exceptional Performers.
    • Certain Other perks may be applicable.

Motion Picture Acting | Music | Creative Professionals

  1.   Motion Pictures Actors/Music - XPro Ambassadors Network Membership [ International/National/Regional ] : Units of 35,000 $ Dollars [ 35K $ ]- Per Individual/Lifetime.
    • Each XPro Ambassadors Members is required to Mandatorily commit a Membership Amount of - Units of 35,000$ . [ 35K Dollars ].
    • Maximum Number of Members in the Network - From Minimum [ 1 ] to Maximum [ Unlimited ] Members.
    • The XPro Ambassadors Star Network is designed to grow from one to Unlimited Number of Members.
    • The XPro Ambassadors Star Network Receives a Cashflows Out of the Primary WQ Fund based on Membership Share. Membership Share is decided by Minimal Notional Valuation of STEXADB [ 50 Million $ ].

Membership Commercials Limits and Valuations

Min Number of Membership Units: [ 1 ]. Max Number of Membership Units: [ 10 ]. 10X Membership Units Implies - 10X Earnings and Voting/Decision Rights.


  • Minimum Valuation of STEXADB is 50 [ Fifty ] Million Dollars, Until further Notice.
  • Maximum Valuation of STEXADB : Equals Total Membership Corpus.
  • A 5 Million $ Corpus from XPro Ambassadors would qualify for max 5% Commercial Share of STEXADB. A 10 Million Corpus would qualify for Max 5% Commercial share of STEXADB. A 1 Million Corpus would qualify 2% Commercial Share of STEXADB.

Motion Picture Ambassadors Star Network Member Enrollment Process: A Brief Profile and a Wikipedia Entry, Where available is to be sent along with a Cheque or Pay Order.

Motion Picture Guild Enrollment Process: A Brief Motion Picture Guild Profile with Total Number of Members. Guilds may maintain Records of enrolled members Internally and submit a copy to STEX [ ADB ] in Excel Format. Documents may be in a Excel/Word/PDF Format with Authorized Signatures & Seals ]. Guilds with Minimum Members are Requested to Grow the Guild Strengths to a Maximum of 125 in the Future as per Requirement, Within a Time span of 2 years.

Independent Professional Enrollment Process: A Brief Profile + 200 words Describing Your Intent/Purpose for Gaining Membership. For Independent Professionals, Teams of 2+ professionals applying as a Team is a plus point. Larger Teams may apply as Independent Bodies, if Required. For Institutions Earnings may imply Average 3 years Net Earnings from Date of Application.[ All documents may be in PDF Format with Authorized Signatures & Seals ].

Institutional Process: A Brief Institutional Profile with Earnings. Profiles of Sponsored Members [ If Any ]. Earnings Imply Average 3 years Net Earnings Prior to Date of Application. [ All documents may be in a Excel/Word/PDF Format with Authorized Signatures & Seals ].

Please send Communications to Enterprise System Architect/CE. Email: ENSTEGOENSTEIT@WIINELECTRRIX.COM // SOURAV.STEX@YAHOO.COM with Subject

  • STEX [ ADB ] Motion Picture XPro Platinum Star Network.
  • STEX [ ADB ] Motion Picture Professional Guild Membership.
  • STEX [ ADB ] Motion Picture Independent Professional Membership.
  • STEX [ ADB ] Technology Professional Membership - Individual.
  • STEX [ ADB ] Technology Professional Team Membership - [ Total Team members ].
  • STEX [ ADB ] Institutional/Enterprise Membership.

Payment Mode: Bankers Cheque / Bankers Draft - Payable to STEX International Advanced Design Bureau LLC, Payable at USA / Germany / Europe. Members may send an Email with scanned Documents along with Email Address and Postal Mailing Address. STEX [ ADB ] would Confirm Membership Acknowledgement and within 5 Working days, and Membership Enrollment documents within 20 Working days. Initial Address for Post/Courier Communications, until Primary office is Setup at Europe :

STEX [ ADB ] - LAB Preference 1.
INDIA: 395007
STEX [ ADB ] - LAB Preference 2.
No 34, PHASE 1
INDIA: 600016