ZERO FLUX Consulting Techniques Take Enterprise Efficiency Levels to near Hundred Percent [ 80% - 100% ] and Reduce Recurring Marketing and Software Systems
Expenses to Near Zero [ 5% - 15% ] Percent. The Systems and Techniques Simplify Public Citizen Processes, Simplify Life and Present Astonishing New Easy To Use
Work Flow and Information Flow Techniques. Zero Flux Tutoring, Bridges the Gap Between Formal Education and Industry - [ IQ Shifting ].
Enterprise Consultancy Specialized Topics
- High Quality Organized Information Flow for Industries and Public Citizens. Innovative Low Cost
Utility based Technology Services .
- Innovative Low Cost High Utility Technology Services for Small Medium Business and Public Citizens.
- Robust Sophisticated & Simplified - Software Systems that Enable Fluid Organizational
- Robust Software Systems for Enterprises with Near Negligible Investment in Software/IT Systems
and Near Negligible IT Recurring Costs.
- Intelligent Software Design Techniques to Build Software systems with High Usability and Minimal Effort -
Viz. STEXADB Intelligent Design Technik for Building Innovative Software Systems.
- Computing Hardware and System Assembly/Design with Investment Planning to Build - Highly scalable
Super Fluid, Sophisticated Software Systems for Fluid Organizations, with Minimal Investments.
- Marketing & Event Management Technique's at Near Zero Expenses for Organizations.
- Organizational Structuring for Efficiency & Scale - Using STEX Intelligent Enterprise Architecture
- Process Engineering and Simplification in Aviation, Engineering, Oil & Gas, etc etc.
- Process Simplification for Enterprises - Financial Engineering.
Enterprise Consultancy Fees is Negotiable [ Approximately 100$ - 5000$, Per Individual Depending on Size of Firm ].
Please send Consultancy Requests to Enterprise System Architect: EA[@]
with subject STEX [ ADB ] Consultancy Request.